

author: Bruno Maia, IconTexto http://www.icontexto.com








Double Fantasy Bermuda

Lennon Bermuda - the story

Kaleidoscope Foundation


Peace One Day



Welcome to the Ride the Wave Foundation!


We support the Arts!


Objective & Mission


Our main purpose is to support musical education and the arts in Bermuda. Our mission is to develop musical talent in Bermuda by assisting with music scholarships and supporting the developmentof the musical arts in Bermuda. This will include supplying musical instruments, music software and scholarships for further music education.

>> Click to view our CONSTITUTION


Nature of Fund-raising Activities


  • To release CD's / DVD's of Bermuda Artists to raise funds for Bermuda's Children
    and to develop their musical talent
  • Music concerts
  • Wine Tastings
  • Raffle
  • Tag Day


Proposed use of proceeds


  • To help aspiring musical artists and Bermuda's children - "We help the artists and help the children"
  • To help families whose children need financial assistance with music education
  • To raise funds for to help aspiring musical artists and their further education
  • To help with costs for special education needs of children
  • General financial assistance if required e.g. after school care, food
  • To give to other charities


Funds We Have Raised


Ride the Wave Volume 1
The first Ride the Wave' CD was released in 2010. Half the proceeds ($ 40,000) went to benefit the Coalition for Protection of Children. The charity implemented a school breakfast programme in several schools after it was discovered that many children were coming to school hungry (CPC’s “Breakfast for Every Child”). The album was also meant to help Bermuda's musical community. The other half of the proceeds went directly to the artists on it.

"This one of a kind album honours the hidden treasures of this small island" -- M. Freisenbruch
"The arts do need help in Bermuda" -- T. Brannon

>> read more on ROYAL GAZETTE
>> read more on BERNEWS


Ride the Wave Volume 2
The second Ride the Wave' CD was released in 2011.

"If the community at large is able to offer support for the Island’s lesser privileged children then maybe, just maybe, we can begin to turn the tide for the future or at least have a very beneficial impact on the lives of many" -- T. Brannon

>> Read about “Poverty in Paradise: The Price We Pay” by Lucinda Spurling sponsored and produced by The Coalition for the Protection of Children


Lennon concert 2012
This great event, which was awarded the The Best of Bermuda Award in 2013 for the category "cultural event", raised $ 92,500 for charities.


So far RIDE THE WAVE has generated $ 132,500
for Bermuda’s charities…